Our Blog
Help with the Juggling Act
Linda Wangner was in a bind, one that would be familiar to many people struggling to provide care for an elderly loved one while juggling their own lives – living far away, taking care of a spouse with a medical issue, and balancing professional and personal...
Medicare Open Enrollment Begins October 15
Monday, October 15 begins the Open Enrollment period for 2019 Medicare. Between October 15 and December 7, you may enroll in Medicare if you became eligible in the past but did not enroll. You may also use this time to make changes to your enrollment. For example, you...
Alcohol Abuse in the Elderly: A Growing Problem
When you imagine an individual with a drinking problem, who do you picture? Is it a troubled teen? A college student who binge drinks on the weekend? A middle-aged man who has a few cocktails to unwind after work every evening? Alcohol abuse can affect anyone at any...
What to do when you receive a difficult diagnosis
“Everyone who is born holds dual citizenship, in the kingdom of the well and the kingdom of the sick . . . Sooner or later each of us is obliged, at least for a spell, to identify ourselves as citizens of that other place.” – Susan Sontag Receiving a diagnosis of a...
Healthcare 101: The Document All College Students Must Complete
It’s the time of year when parents everywhere are preparing to send their newly minted 18-year-olds off to college for the first time. Whether this rite of passage will include teary embraces and promises to check in regularly, or victory laps around the (at last!)...
Changes on Tap for Managed Long Term Care Providers in NYS and Your Community Medicaid
If you receive Medicaid and/or Medicare in New York State, are chronically ill or disabled and require aides or other services in order remain safely in your home, you are likely to be enrolled with one of the state’s Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) providers. MLTCs are...