Our Blog
Palliative Care Enhances Quality of Life
“My doctor recommended palliative care. Does that mean that my condition is terminal?” NO. This question or some version of it is very common after a suggestion of palliative care. Many people mistakenly assume that receiving palliative care means that active...
(Yet Another) Update to Community Medicaid Changes for May 2022
The 30-month financial lookback for Community Medicaid is slated to potentially start October 1, 2022. The changes in qualifying for medical approval for community Medicaid that we discussed: needing physical assistance with at least three activities of daily living...
Breaking News! Updated Community Medicaid Changes for May 2022
According to the NYS Department of Health, the Community Medicaid New York Independent Assessor (NYIA) will be implemented on May 16, 2022. In our last webinar, we spoke of the imminent changes in the process of determining medical eligibility for Medicaid. The...
Hospice Care: A Primer
The word “hospice” sometimes has negative connotations. People may associate it with end-of-life and all of the emotions that can conjure. But hospice care can help make this period of time less stressful, more peaceful, and more comfortable for both patients and...
Tips for Managing the Financial and Emotional Toll of Caregiving
Watch this pre-recorded webinar in which experts offer tips and strategies for navigating the financial and emotional challenges of being a caregiver. Speakers: Nicole Christensen, BCPA, President of Care Answered, and her guest speakers, Liz Vaz, Collaborative...
New! Caregivers Support and Empowerment Group
Care Answered is proud to launch its virtual Caregivers Support and Empowerment Group. On the third Thursday of each month, from 6 - 7 pm, we will meet virtually via Zoom to explore the caregiving journey, diving into the subjects we think of as too taboo to mention;...