Help with the Juggling Act

Help with the Juggling Act

Linda Wangner was in a bind, one that would be familiar to many people struggling to provide care for an elderly loved one while juggling their own lives – living far away, taking care of a spouse with a medical issue, and balancing professional and personal...
Just What Does a Patient Advocate Do?

Just What Does a Patient Advocate Do?

As healthcare evolves, doctor’s visits have only gotten more complicated. When was the last time you managed to finish an appointment without receiving a litany of things to remember: don’t eat this food; do eat this food; exercise more; take this medication at...
Health Disparities Concern All of Us

Health Disparities Concern All of Us

There are more than 304 million people in the United States of America, and each of us is unique. A little more than half of us are women; about a third of us identify as a racial or ethnic minority. Around 12% of us are living with a disability, while 14.5% of us...