by Care Answered | Jun 5, 2020 | Care News, chronic illness, Long Term Care, Medicaid, MLTC, Plan Ahead-Get the Care You Need, Uncategorized
There are significant changes to New York State Medicaid in store. Among the most dramatic is the addition of a financial look-back period which could increase the amount of money that families must pay out-of-pocket for home care before Medicaid kicks in. If you...
by Care Answered | May 7, 2020 | Care News, Daily Health Tips, Medicaid, Uncategorized
If you are still working during the Coronavirus “pause,” perhaps your expenses have been reduced. This could be an opportunity for you to supersize your savings. If instead you are one of the millions of Americans whose finances have taken a hit, there are...
by Care Answered | Feb 17, 2020 | Assisted Living, Care News, chronic illness, Long Term Care, Medicaid, MLTC, Plan Ahead-Get the Care You Need
According to a National Center for Assisted Living 2018 report, the median cost of living in an assisted living facility in the United States is $4000 a month. At almost $500,000 over ten years, it’s easy to see how many Americans are outliving their money. What...
by Nicole Christensen | Nov 10, 2018 | Care News, Medicaid, Medicare Tips, Medicare Tips You Need to Know
“…in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” To this list of life’s certainties attributed to Benjamin Franklin, we might also add bills. While the season of gift catalogs and holiday greetings is nearly upon us, our mailboxes are...
by Nicole Christensen | Oct 26, 2018 | Care News, Medicaid, MLTC
The New York State Department of Health has affirmed that GuildNet will close as a Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) provider as of January 1, 2019. GuildNet had already ceased MLTC operations on Long Island, so this change primarily affects those in the boroughs of New...