by Care Answered | Mar 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
Click on the links below for helpful caregivers’ resources during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. NY MOLST The TakeCHARGE Campaign.Talking Points_DH Alzheimers Caregivers Telephone Group LI Alzheimers & Dementia Center Telephone Support LI Alzheimers &...
by Care Answered | Mar 26, 2020 | Uncategorized
by Care Answered | Mar 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
During this Covid-19 crisis, Nicole Christensen offers tips for taking care of yourself and taking charge of your health in this brief video....
by Care Answered | Jan 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
Part of what makes the American healthcare system so complex is the way in which services are billed and paid for. You may have health insurance, do all of your homework, select physicians and other providers who are in-network with your insurance company, and still...
by Nicole Christensen | Aug 6, 2019 | Care News, Daily Health Tips, Uncategorized
All of our lives we have been taught the importance of working hard and taking care of others, but it is equally important to make time to take care of ourselves. On an airplane, flight attendants remind us during the safety drill to put our own oxygen...
by Nicole Christensen | Apr 16, 2019 | Care News, Daily Health Tips, Plan Ahead-Get the Care You Need, Uncategorized
Rick Pantuliano lives with his wife and two daughters just a short drive away from his parents’ Nassau County home. This proximity has allowed them to maintain a close relationship with his 77-year-old mother. Yet even though he is nearby, he still...