Do you really need a second opinion? Without a doubt, YES.

Consider this scenario: Jane sees her doctor, then a specialist, then a surgeon. She is armed with notes and scans; she is a prepared patient. However, a good patient advocate will still recommend a second opinion. Why? For better results and to be a more empowered patient.

Many great doctors turn to their colleagues to discuss their patients’ possible diagnoses, treatment plans, the “what ifs” and “what elses.” They may have their team, but you should have one, too. The most important insight they can get is from you, the patient, family and care team. So, shop around!

Here are some stats:

  • Mayo Clinic studypublished in April 2021 confirmed that getting a second opinion cuts the chance of misdiagnosis in half.
  • An in-house study conducted by the Mayo Clinic reports that as many as 88%of patients arriving at Mayo for second opinions went home with a new or refined diagnosis—substantially changing their care plan and possibly, their lives.
  • The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic and NIH have also done studies with results showing the positive impact of a second opinion.

As crucial as the correct diagnosis is (it very much IS crucial), a second opinion can also uncover a better treatment plan for you.

“Second opinions can significantly reduce diagnostic error, and increasing access to expert medical opinions both empowers patients and improves their outcomes,” observed Dr. Carlos Uquillas, team physician for the Los Angeles Angels.

The reality for all patients and caregivers is that we’re busy and likely overwhelmed! Yet we still look at reviews when we make any major purchases. I bet you shopped around for your last couch, never mind your car, hairdresser, restaurant, and the list goes on. This is your life!  Any catastrophic or life-changing diagnosis requires a second opinion.

Care Answered can help. We get healthcare DONE.  Contact us today:

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